
Good Questions Deserve Good Answers

We envision a world where every college-bound Christian leaves home equipped with good reasons for the hope they have in Jesus and connects with the Christian community on campus. The Christian worldview has answers to life’s biggest questions that teens are asking. We want to lead them on a lifelong journey towards finding and defending a faith that is reasonable and livable.

Why Faith Ascent Ministries?

We're Passionate About Equipping College-Bound Teenagers

We want to reduce the number of young Christians abandoning their beliefs in college and disengaging from the Church.

Over a decade of experience training teenagers who know Christ deeply and are able to defend their faith when necessary

Our team of top-notch scholars, teachers, and speakers will equip your group to engage their universities and neighborhoods with the Gospel

Our programs are custom-tailored  to help you answer the challenges you face in your own context


What Leaders and Students are Saying

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Updates and Articles from our Team

2020 Annual Report

As 2020 draws to a close, take a look back at the past year in our year-end report. 

Read more here…

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